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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Back to Teaching and Back to Blogging!

Whoa! What is happening here? 

A month ago, my life flashed before my eyes as I decided to get back into teaching from being a SAHM for two years. I love my littles. They're absolute joys in my life! They challenge and  fill me up with such joy. However, something was still missing. A part of me was still left unfulfilled. With much prayer, I felt God opened up the door for me to go back to teaching - rather suddenly, but still it was an opportunity I couldn't bear to walk away from. So, after teaching kinder for nine wonderful years and two precious years of staying home with my littles, here I am. 

OFFICIALLY, a first grade teacher! Whoa.

The excitement since I've been back has been very hard to contain. I've blown up my social media with posts about being back in the game and loving every minute of it. I even created a hashtag for such a celebratory occasion - #teachingismylovelanguage. Because I truly feel it is. It's my love language. There was a piece of me just gone for two years when I wasn't in the classroom. I need to be teaching.

So, I thought I'd channel my excitement through this blog as a way to give my social media friends a break - ha! - and as an outlet for me to post about the exciting things taking place in my classroom. I'm just so giddy I can't stand it!!

Here are some things you should know:

1) I'm a busy momma of four littles, one of them with special needs. Time is off the essence, and 24 hours in a day just isn't always enough to accomplish all I desire to.
2) I love blogging. I currently manage two of them. See reason number one for why I can't always get to it. 
3) Teaching IS my love language. If I'm not doing it, it feels unnatural and I feel unfulfilled.
4) I love Jesus, my husband, my kiddos and my close friends/tribe. They are all reasons I'm back in the game and so thankful for that. 
5) I am clueless how to make this blog cutsie. I'm horrible at graphic design. Unless I can download it from pinterest, copy, paste it and be done with it, I can't do it. So if any of you graphic design or fancy blog people want to help me out with that, I'd love you for it.

So, that's it. I'm thankful for my new UH-MAZING team and my awesome principal for giving me the opportunity to come back and show how I can be the best version of me! Thanks for tuning in. I don't know how often I'll blog. BUT, I do know what my next post will be about. {Enter a *squeal* here!}

So. Stay tuned for my Literacy Station Re-vamp and accountability check lists for my students!

I sure do love these kids!



Back to Teaching and Back to Blogging!

Whoa! What is happening here?  A month ago, my life flashed before my eyes as I decided to get back into teaching from being a SAHM for tw...